Monday, September 19, 2005

We'll see ya'll....


Remember....there's still meals available. Just email me here or give a call to one of your friendly reunion co-ordinators. I'll be posting a few emails from some folks next week. Along with a bunch of photo's from the reunion. Stay tuned.

The Missing...Updated

If you know where any of these folks are, send an email to and we'll get an invite out to them pronto.

Daniel Fry
Boyd Britcher
Elizabeth Gardner Miller
Kathy Eckert
Joseph Howell
Cindy Miller Jones
Sandra Miller Hartzell
James Noll
Benjamin Shepherd
John Stoak
Steven Rossetti

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Classmates Email

Finally. A place to find your buddies from high school. I will update the image below whenever someone gives me permission to post their emails. You can't just copy and paste these. They're on an image. That makes it harder for web bots to harvest email addresses. So start sending!! If you can't read the addresses, double click for a larger image. Or email and I'll send you a list. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

Comment Spam

You'll see deleted comments from time to time. Spammers are starting to hit the site. If it get's too bad I'll change it that you have to sign in. It's painless, google is very good about people's privacy. Any comment you post will remain as long as it's relevant to the class or you post your name at end so I can verify you're a class member.


If you've got something to say....

Click on the comment button and say it. Make sure you put your name so we know who's who.